Parashat Ekev
The Longest Distance In The World Have you ever met someone who knew right from wrong but was still a bad person?
The Longest Distance In The World Have you ever met someone who knew right from wrong but was still a bad person?
Shabbat is it simply a day off from work? שמור את יום השבת לקדשו- Safeguard the day of Shabbat to sanctify it.
How to Make This Our Last Tisha B’av If Our Ancestors Couldn’t Do It, How Can We? There is a principle of
The weekly is sponsored by Mr. & Mrs Shawn & Tamara Sedaghati as Thanks and hoda'a To Hashem for speedy recovery of
Overriding Considerations/ It is simply a time to act The following
Why the Donkey Spoke Just recently (Parshat Korach) we beheld a moving example of the care and concern Hashem extends to all
I Wish I’d Come Here Before It says in this week parsha“Moshe stripped Aaron’s garments from him and dressed Elazar his (Aaron’s)
The Danger of Mockery When one reads the account of the rebellion of Korach he is struck by his seemingly foolish attempt
THE GIANT GRASSHOPPER “Why does it bother you what someone else thinks about you”. It says in this week parasha “Then we
Parashat beha'alotcha Those men said to him (Moshe), "We are ritually unclean [because of contact] with a dead person; [but] why should